Making a Travel Bin for Traveling with Kids
You caught me. This post definitely has affiliate links. If you click on the link, I may be compensated at no extra cost to you. I promise to give honest suggestions so that you can find some helpful products.
“Mom, are we there yet?“
“I’m boooorrrrreeed.“
“How many more Bluey’s until we get there?“
Are we the only ones who explain the length of road trips in the form of TV shows, or do you do that, too? “We’ll be there in 5 episodes of Bluey,” or “Only three more Paw Patrols to go!” No matter how long the trip, traveling with little kids can be tough. Their schedules are out of whack and their surroundings are unfamiliar. What’s more? They don’t have their toys from home to keep them busy.
There have been far too many times my husband and I stayed in a hotel room and we didn’t have enough for the kids to do. It results in bickering, complaining and a not-so-fun time for the kids OR the parents!
Now I am all the wiser and more prepared. I have created a ready-to-go travel bin for our family. It’s perfect for car activities, early mornings in the hotel and even just a quick weekend getaway at Grandma’s house. Here’s what we have in our bin.
Kid’s Travel Bin
Let’s start at the very beginning. The first thing you need to make a travel bin for traveling with kids is self explanatory but worth saying. You need a bin, or container, in which, you can put toys and activities. My biggest tip on any storage container you use is that it has latching handles. I have learned this the hard way. Yes, the latching handle storage containers are a bit more expensive but they are worth the extra price – and this is coming from a frugal mama.
You’ll also want some pouches to store toys and activities. Here is what I use:
Pro Tip The Sterelite containers above come in a pack of six and let me tell you, the size is just right for those moments you want to store winter hats and gloves. We also use them for our book rotation that I mentioned in this post.
Ok, you’ve got your container and your pouches. But what do you fill it with? Here are suggestions of toys and activities we have loved!
Electronics for Traveling with Kids
Umm, electronics?? We wanted suggestions that kept us from turning on the T.V. and avoided screen time!
I hear you. But don’t stop reading just yet. My number one pick here has nothing to do with screen time, and the other two? Well, my personal stance is that screen time in moderation is ok. These ideas may be just what you’re looking for.
1. The Yoto Mini
Yoto did not sponsor this post. These opinions are solely mine.
Did you say Yo- yo? Nope. I said, Yoto. The Yoto Mini is the perfect travel companion. In fact, we also love using it at home. What is it? It’s basically like a modern day version of a CD player for kids. But better. There are actually two versions, The Yoto and the Yoto Mini. Yup, you guessed right. The Yoto Mini is just…smaller. In true Holly fashion, I debated over which to get and landed on the smaller version, and I’m glad I did. It checks all the boxes that I wanted for my family.
This little device plays audiobooks, music and podcasts. It works as a nightlight, radio and wake to rise light. (Red means stay in bed and green means rise and shine!). Pretty neat, huh?
We love it is because it has a small window that displays a picture to let kids know which song or chapter they are listening to, but it is not a T.V. screen. There are tons of Yoto card options for the kids too. You can even make your own card!
With the Yoto Mini, we have been entertained by audiobooks during dinnertime, rocked out to music while gardening and have enjoyed peace and quiet as the kids listened to their Yoto cards with their headphones.
The reason I decided to purchase the Yoto Mini versus the Toniebox is because while the Toniebox boasts of cute characters, those characters may end up lost. Once they get lost, the audiobook is lost with it. On the flip side, the Yoto cards are easy to store in this card holder. And a HUGE bonus is that I can access all of our purchased Yoto cards through the Yoto App on my phone. If I lose a card? All is not lost. I can still play that card on the Yoto device through the Yoto App.
Pro Tip: Make sure before you travel you have downloaded each Yoto card to the Yoto player. You cannot play a Yoto card through your phone without wi-fi. You can still use the cards on the Yoto player as long as the card has been downloaded to the device. You only have to download the cards one time, not every time before you travel.
2. Portable DVD Player
Next on my list of travel activities and accessories for kids is this DVD player. We got this DVD Player when we got our new car back in 2020. We decided to get a car without a DVD player and instead just get a portable car DVD Player. This has come in handy for unexpected reasons.
Truth be told? We have only used this in the car and handful of times. It it is great quality, and works well in the car. Unfortunately, we had to stop using it in the car because my son gets terribly car sick. No more movies while we’re in motion. Instead, we swapped the DVD player out for these car sickness bags (which I highly recommend if you have a child who gets car sick too!). Womp Womp.
Did we just waste our money buying these DVD players? Nope. As it turns out, it’s great to have for hotel rooms. It may be old school, but using a DVD has it’s advantages. There are no ads. You know what you’re kids will be watching. And you don’t have to give up your phone or tablet in the name of world peace keeping the children entertained.
An added bonus is that my two bigger kids (ages 6 and 4) like watching one show while my youngest daughter (age 2) prefers to watch a different show. But we only have one T.V. in our home. I don’t trust my 2 year old with my laptop and I’m usually using my phone for – well you name it -cooking, grocery shopping, clothes shopping, researching some obscure fact etc. So what’s a Mom to do? *Insert heroic music here* DVD player to the rescue! I just set it up nearby where I can keep an eye on my toddler while Bluey and Bingo teach her all about not squabbling. Thanks Bluey and Bingo. I owe you one.
3. Handheld Video Games
Last on the list of electronic travel companions is this little gadget. What we appreciate about this one is that the size is perfect for 4-6 year old hands. Not only that, but the size makes it easy to pack for traveling. The games are pre-loaded so there are no additional costs after you buy it. Furthermore, I don’t have to worry about bringing certain games while leaving others behind.
The games are all fairly innocent. There are some educational games, a lot of sport games and a few racing games. The only word of caution I’ll offer is that there are also some fighting games on here too. It hasn’t bothered us because they’re not gory and my kids don’t play the fighting games often, but it’s worth the heads up. Most of time, my kids opt for golfing, bowling and racing cars when they play on these.
Arts & Crafts for Traveling with Kids
Arts and crafts are helpful for traveling with kids. Let’s jump right into it.
1. Color Wonder Markers Are Genius When Traveling with Kids
I have three words for you. Color Wonder Markers. Oh, whoever invented these markers is a genius! In case you haven’t experienced the beauty of these, they’re markers that ONLY WORK ON SPECIFIC PAPER.
Say whaaat? So like, you mean I don’t have to worry about my toddler coloring on the walls? Or the furniture? Or the bedding? No, nope and no ma’am. You don’t even have to worry about your preschooler giving herself a tattoo because the ink only shows up on special COLOR WONDER paper.
2. Water Wow Books Are Magical for Traveling with Kids
Ok, so these magical books have blank pictures. Then when you paint them with water, the pictures magically change color! All three of my kids still enjoy doing these. The best part of all? Once they dry, you can use them over and over again.
Pro tip: Since these require water, save these for your hotel or destination. Make sure you have access to water in order to fill up the brushes, too!
3. Play-Doh Is Fun When Traveling with Kids
It’s an oldie but a goodie. Let your kid’s imagination free and watch what they create with Play-Doh. The reason this makes its way into my travel bin is because it keeps my kid’s hands busy, their minds engaged and their volume quiet. You don’t need to bring all the accessories when traveling. Just a few tubs of play-doh are sufficient. My only warning is to make sure to watch the little ones. This can get slightly messy with toddlers. Nevertheless, the benefits outweigh the mess!
4. Puffy Stickers Are Perfect for Traveling with Kids
Let’s face it. Stickers can be too sticky. If you’ve ever found yourself peeling stickers off your child’s bedframe, your hardwood floors or your kitchen cabinets, you know what I mean.
Additionally, regular stickers are not a frustration free product for tiny fingers. When Daniel Tiger’s limb rips off from the rest of his tiger body, you find yourself bursting into one of his songs to soothe your little one, “It’s ok to feel sad sometimes, little by little, you’ll feel better again.”
Soooo if stickers damage furniture and cause frustration, why do they land a spot in my travel bin?
Because I’m talking about PUFFY stickers! These are not flat stickers. They’re raised up stickers. They are easier for tiny fingers to grab. And the ones I purchase are not overly sticky, so I have never had a problem with them damaging furniture. Kids love them because they’re cute and fun. Parents love them for all the practical reasons.
I usually pack some construction paper and puffy stickers in one of the pouches I mentioned earlier. That way, we have everything we need to start playing with stickers.
Bonus pro tip for when you’re working with flat stickers that have a white background: Remove the white background entirely from the page. This will leave only the stickers behind. it makes it easier for kids to peel the sticker from the sticker sheet.
5. Wikki Stix are Great for Traveling with Kids
Wikki stix are wax sticks that kids can bend. Once bent, they hold their shape. They don’t feel sticky to the touch nor do they don’t leave any residue on fingers or furniture. They are small and compact and easy to pack. They’re great in the car or while you’re waiting for your food n a restaurant. All that’s left to say is, have fun!
6. Writing Tablets Are Clutch For Traveling with Kids
First came the etch-a-sketch. Then came magnetic doodle boards. And now modern day kids have these beauties.
These writing tablets are ah-mazing! They span across ages and stages. Two-year-olds can scribble on them with joy. Four-year-olds can make the whole page into a rainbow with a sense of accomplishment. Six-year-olds can practice writing their names or drawing their favorite animals. And from time to time, parents can sneak in a turn to try out their artistic ability.
Confession: This is the second time I purchased a product like this. The fist purchase I made did not have an attached stylus. You live, you learn, and your kids constantly lose a stylus. In addition to the attached stylus, what also sold me on these ones specifically is how thin they are. I own three so that each of my kids can have their own – and it’s no trouble packing all three of them.
These are amazing, but be warned. You may catch yourself saying, “Back in my day, we had to turn two knobs to make a picture.”
7. Rainbow Scratch Paper is a Neat Idea for Traveling with Kids
Rainbow scratch paper is the less developed form of the aforementioned writing tablet. Contemporary or not, kids love them! Even though you know there’s a rainbow hidden under that black surface, somehow it feels like a mystery waiting to be uncovered.
When we travel, I usually add a few of these in one of these pouches and put the scratching pencils in the front zipper portion of the pouch.
Worried about the pointy tip on the wooden stylus? I know. Me too. My toddler would not do well with that. For her, I just add in some paint brushes and she uses the other end of it (aka, not the bristles). What’s that? You think that’s a brilliant suggestion? Trust me, we’re just scratching the surface here. 😉
Activities For Kids While Traveling
1. Mini Picasso Tiles FTW while Traveling with Kids
I LOVE Picasso Tiles! They are my favorite type of building block to play with. You may have heard them referred to as, Magnatiles. That is one brand of these magnetic tiles. It’s kind of like how everyone calls tissues, “Kleenex.” In reality, Kleenex is a brand of tissues. Other brands on the market are just as good, or possibly even better. But I digress.
Before I created a travel bin, I used to bring our regular sized Picasso Tiles with us when we traveled. Admittedly, they were heavy to travel with and took up valuable space. So when I found these Mini Picasso Tiles, I was thrilled. They are easy to pack, and it’s so fun to have something to build with while you’re away from home. Mini Picasso Tiles for the win!
2. Magnetic Pretend Doll
I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Joey. Joey, meet my readers.
There. Now that you’re acquainted, why don’t I tell you a little more about Joey? Joey is a magnetic wooden doll that kids can dress up. Kids can put outfits together to create a pirate or mix and match pieces to have a superhero-knight-firefighter combo.
The downside of this product is the packaging. It comes in a wooden box with no lid. No big deal though. I put it in an oversized pencil pouch like this and it fits nicely in my travel bin.
Disclaimer: Now that I’ve introduced you to Joey, please be aware that he may become your knight in shining armor. 😉
3. Polly Pocket is a Good Buddy when Traveling with Kids
Ah, sweet nostalgia. Polly pocket reminds me of six-year-old me carrying my own purple plastic circle that housed Polly and her friends.
These tiny figurines are not for the toddlers in the family, but for kids ages 4+, they can be fun ways to play with a dollhouse on the go. Truth be told, my son likes this product too! When you have two sisters, you’re bound to play with a pink flamingo at some point in your life. Side bar: for anyone out there who is reading this and makes toys, please make a boy’s version of Polly Pocket. I’ve searched for it and cannot find it. For now, Polly joins us on our journeys and I let either my son or daughter play with this, so long as they keep tiny Polly away from their two-year-old sister.
4. Paw Patrol Magnetic Puzzle
Want your kids to do a puzzle but don’t want to lose all the pieces? Wellll, ok. I can’t make any promises there. We are talking about kids and puzzle pieces – I’m not a wizard, after all. But I do have suggestion. Here’s a non-traditional puzzle option for car rides:. A Magnetic Puzzle! My kids have enjoyed this, and the beauty in motherhood is that when your kids enjoy something, you delight in their joy. Even when you still can’t find that missing puzzle piece.
5. Toy Figurines
Small figurines like these are fun for kids to play with in their carseats. It’s also easy to put them into your purse or diaper bag to have them on the ready for a moment of downtime while traveling. I store figurines in these pouches to make sure I don’t lose them.
Other Helpful Products for Traveling with Kids
From devices that need to be recharged to ideas that charge your child’s imagination, we sure have covered a lot of ideas of activities to bring when traveling with kids. Below are some final suggestions on activities and products that have helped our family when traveling with kids. What has helped your family? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
Wherever you’re going and whenever you’re heading out, I wish you safe travels!
I love the travel cubes! Do you use those in luggage for packing or for activities in the car?
Hi Caitlin!
Travel cubes are amazing! We use them in luggage for packing. One color per person in the family (including grown-ups). They help keep everyone’s clothes organized while you’re preparing for a trip and while you’re on the the trip too!
Love it! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂