One Month In | Our Homeschool Update
From the mom who never wanted to homeschool, how’s homeschool going after one month? Do we regret it? Has it gone well? Find out here in our homeschool update.
From the mom who never wanted to homeschool, how’s homeschool going after one month? Do we regret it? Has it gone well? Find out here in our homeschool update.
Why would a family ever want to homeschool? Step into This Mama Bear’s Home to find out! This final post in this series brings all the details together, resulting in our final decision.
Is any research about homeschooling? There is and the results are shocking. They even influenced why we decided to homeschool! Come see.
Our children have opinions and listening to them gives them a voice. These heart to hearts influenced our decision to homeschool.
Why do you think families homeschool? Why we decided to homeschool our kids even surprised me! Join me on this journey that resulted in a decision to homeschool.